Saturday, August 27, 2016

Dawn Nicole - What is GrowGetter?

Being a GrowGetter is about having the business insights to recognize the invisible, for it wouldn’t be strategy if it
were obvious.
It’s about seeing hidden opportunity in every scenario so that peak potential may be maximized.
about cracking codes and understanding how to get the most value out of every scenario while only investing
time into what matters now.
However, before we can dissect the advantages of using strategy, including its definition and many
benefits, we must first shed light on the contrary and the legitimate reason why more people don’t
realize they’re missing out.
In life, many people rely heavily on basic instincts to transition them thru situational problem-solving.
Logic, practicalities and simple mathematics that explain a cause and effect. In fact, intuitiveness tells us,
to place one foot, in front of the other or to expect that ONE seed will produce ONE tree.
A reaction to
every action. Therefore, it’s no wonder most people expect one plus one to equal two; it’s the world as
we know it.
However, what if there were an invisible force of effort that could not only steer the ball in your favor, yet introduce you to more opportunities by helping you realize the peak potential in every resource and
Welcome to GrowGetter!

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Last week during one of our program introductory meet and greets, a photographer who was only there to capture the moment, blurted out..."Sign me up for your program Dawn Nicole!" The room laughed with astonishment before moving on to my next point.

However, before I could proceed, he continued... "I'm serious, I need help in my business. To be honest, I'd like to hear my phone ringing off the hook, but it's not. My work is hit or miss and I'm afraid to say it, but I think photography is seasonal."

Wrong Answer! I quickly shifted that thinking and openly advised him that without seeing his strategic business plan, I could assure that his pricing was not appropriately set up for sustainable growth.

Let me first start by saying, I will not pretend that I've always been this "awake" in business. In fact, I know what broke feels like. It's Paycheck to paycheck, living on a shoe-string budget, counting every penny and robbing Peter to Paul, and that's the high-end of broke.

Actually Market Watch published a post back in January 2016, which stated how most Americans live this way, week in and week out. Paycheck to Paycheck. Let's agree, there's nothing fun about being broke.

However, here's what I know, back then when I was admittedly broke, it was largely because I had a Broke(n) Mentality, a broken system and broken spirits, all without knowing it. Ouch! That actually stings to write, yet the reality is, I was not alone. Tons of Americans wake-up daily with a broke mentality without ever realizing it.  "So, what is a BROKE Mentality?" You might ask.

I describe this as a subconscious reliance and dependency on a false sense of security. (English Please) A Broke Mentality, as a Business Owner, is the failure to see and exercise PEAK POTENTIAL in what you have, that has ability to grow your business leaps and bounds ahead.

It's the false thinking that your ability to generate income is somehow one-dimensional or tied-to a single primary external factor, rather than seeing the GOD-GIVEN Natural resources in your VALUE PROPOSITION.

As well as, an understanding that your Financial Elevator can go as high as you believe, which is both good or bad, depending on what you believe.

As a National Business Growth Expert, I travel the country empowering Entrepreneurs on how to become the Chief Architects of their own vision in order to Grow their Businesses from Possibility to Profitability. And while today, I have a thriving practice in Charlotte, NC., with a lofty vision of where my company, GrowGetter, is headed, I remember not that long ago feeling completely powerless regarding my ability to produce income as a new Business Owner.  In my new book, Grow for It, I describe the challenging transition I experienced growing from the corporate sector onto the fulltime entrepreneurial sector. I describe some of my BIGGEST MISTAKES in how I was hungry trying to REPLACE the six figure salary so badly, that I treated every new prospect like a dollar sign rather than a budding relationship and as a result, almost crashed and burned my new business before it ever took off.

I also discuss my initial response when an entrepreneurial colleague advised me to build my own intellectual property. I recall laughing and thinking..."what the heck would I have to offer?" Boy was I wrong. Who knew that would become the basis of why I will never be broke again. And now, I work with Entrepreneurs across the nation to expose them to "PEAK POTENTIAL THINKING" when it comes to their product offerings, including how to Think Like A GrowGetter, so that they too, can learn how to maximize every opportunity.

There are 5 FUNDAMENTAL Reasons why BUSINESS OWNERS should NEVER Be Broke. I will share all 5 at my upcoming workshop on:

Monday September 12, 2016 from 9a-12p. We will spend some time on having a Strategic mindset to success before deep-diving into these 5 Factors creating guidelines around how any business can implement these 5 factors in their own business. Workshop Materials will be provided.

*Only 14 Seats available, act now.

Workshop Investment: $57.00

Location: 8008 Corporate Center Drive, Ste. 120, Charlotte, NC

Please RSVP here: 

If you would like to attend this workshop virtually or would like to bring this workshop to your local area, organization or business, please contact us at: Office: 704-709-0329 ext. 101 or email us at

Order the new book here:

Monday, August 22, 2016

The Book for New Businesses, Grow for It by Dawn Nicole

Hear the story first hand: I want more

People always think that wealthy CEO’s of billion dollar companies don’t look like them. As if there’s some secret society of well-to-do, good luck prestige that is only sprinkled on a few privileged scholars.

Fortunately, I am here to burst your bubble, they look just like you and me, the dreamers.The one’s who sit on the other side of the window, wondering and waiting for the right time to take that chance.

The one’s who wish they could afford to leave a hundred thousand dollar a year job for a million dollar dream, yet fear there’s too much at stake and so they stop before they start.

The one’s like me, who toyed with the notion of running a business for years but the high-churn demand of corporate culture kept me bound, until one day, I went from desire to decision.

Don't start a business without reading this book! This is my story of jumping out, crashing and the million dollar moment that turned it all around for me as a new Business Owner. “Grow for it”, the new book by Dawn Nicole.

Get your copy today and win a free business consultation, so that you too, can turn what’s possible into what’s profitable!

Leaving a Hundred Thousand Dollar a year job for a Million Dollar Dream and Learn NOW why I'll NEVER be broke.

Get Your new "Grow For It" Book in hard back today:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Being in business is too expensive for you to be a ‘serial-networker' w/no results.

As a Business Growth Expert, I happen to know that most businesses are built on relationships. With that said, networking is a critical factor in that equation and can become a rather costly expense if you aren’t properly gaining from the experience. Therefore, in order to receive your RETURN on INVESTMENT, there are a few SIMPLE yet HIGHLY EFFECTIVE strategies that will make your life easier and put money back into your pocket. Before I offer-up these ‘GAME-CHANGING’ GROWGETTER networking MUST-HAVES, let’s agree on a few pain points.

If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re swamped running from event to event, with no real time to build and develop the connections. You also likely enjoy the socializing and foodie elements that come with a swank soiree, yet detest the dreaded “follow-up!” Not because you aren’t friendly or don’t mean well, but because it takes up precious time.

And, while most businesses are exploring automated solutions to this challenge, the reality is, automation only works when you know who you are targeting and what message you’ll need to convey to each. In other words, there is still a degree of BRAIN-POWER required in order to engineer said automation; assuming you’re using an automated solution. 

In either case, join me, the Chief GrowGetter on tomorrow, Wed, August 10, 2016 as I provide a few easy to use networking strategies to help this process go a little smoother and a lot faster.

Being in Business is too expensive for you to be a ‘social-hour-loving-serial networker!’ If this stepped on your TOES then don’t fret, instead you MUST meet me at tomorrow's Businesses for Strategy’ Meet-up Group FREE kick-off,’ where we’ll help you serial networkers break-thru the blind spots with our HIGH impact, MINIMAL effort networking strategies!

 You won’t believe what you’ve been missing. We can’t wait to see you there and; each and every meet-up session, we will share, engage and exchange award-winning strategies that advance the attendee’s collective growth. I’ll discuss relevant hot-topics and with solution based, GrowGetter strategies! Are you a collector or a builder? Don't miss it!

RSVP NOW: Save my seat