Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Why your business needs more than a plan to survive.

A common misconception of a strategic plan:
Many business owners believe that a strategic plan is a one and done deal. It’s something you complete at the start of the year, so that you can check-it-off the list along with all of the other nominal things required at the start of a business. This couldn’t be further from the truth, as a strategic plan is a living, breathing and (in many cases) functional document that continues to navigate the company thru the tricky terrain of the unknowns.
Four main pillars of a strategic plan:
A well formed strategic plan should be built upon a business’s four main pillars (i.e. Financial, Marketing, Management and Products or Services goals) and designed to speak to what, why, how, when, who and DELIVERY! That’s right DELIVERY!
Strategic plan pitfall:
Have you ever THOROUGHLY shown someone how to do something and was assured they fully understood, however, when it came time for execution or delivery, they stalled? People stall for two main reasons; confusion around the command or lack of motivation around completing the task.
In either case, the best plan in the world doesn’t help if the delivery is not well understood or well executed. This is where most plans break down. The delivery review is one of the most critical parts of the planning process because, as we know, prompts on paper are just wishes, without action to see them through.
Strategic planning solutions:
One of the things we place the most emphasis on within our organization (GrowGetter), is the delivery and accountability component of the strategic plan, since this is the point where most companies falter. Designing the plan is simple for a strategic plan expert, yet it’s the follow through that gets complicated.
Our process treats the hand-off of the strategic plan like a working module in of itself requiring client sign-off acknowledgements for each plan component. This includes role and responsibility, task assignments around the delivery, progress track-ability with accountability measures, and delivery milestones. We ensure that review meetings and monitoring measures are set up and in place before we hand over the final plan; with an option to add plan oversight (not to be confused with project management) as an optional service. Essentially, building the plan is a process, yet maintaining and following thru on deliverables, can truly become a project for the client.
Deliver the dynamite to grow a booming business:
At the end, it’s the plan delivery that counts, yet this is agreeably, the weakest area for many. In order to combat that, there’ll need to be some degree of education provided to a client that guides them through the management and maintenance portion of their plan. The client should be advised that the strategic plan should be used as a day to day, week to week, month to month guide and answer-key thru the unknowns.
In our organization, GrowGetter, we use a Scoreboard system along with other trademarked tools to monitor and measure the progress of the strategic plan’s objectives. Inspired by weight watchers, our GrowGetter scoreboard system makes goal tracking fun and comprehensive so that each client can deliver the dynamite to grow a booming business!
Business Growth Expert, Professional Speaker and Published Author, Dawn Nicole has just released new best-selling business book that reveals more about her philosophy.

For more information on this topic or to book us, please contact us at
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